We get anywhere from 2-3 flower catalogs a day, no kidding. I recycle old newspapers and magazines as soon as they are read but the flowers are sooo pretty, I thought....there has to be something that we can do with these. Lightbulb moment.....I gather the girls, some scissors, construction paper, glue sticks, and catalogs and declare that we are going to design our very own gardens!! It was fun to see what flower really caught the eye of my girls and how they would arrange them on their paper. Notice that Bella put a house in her garden with a welcome sign;) I even cut out some of the flower pages in the shape of hearts and they made very elegant looking Valentines, I will save them for next year. So before you throw out those catalogs or junk mail envelopes(great for the kids to use when they play office or school), stop and think of something, anything that your children might enjoy doing with them first, then recycle them;))
That is SUCH a good idea! I don't get any catalogues, I wonder why? You're such a good mom.
Bravo. Oh they make me miss my gardens so much and long for the warm weather that seems so far away. Such a fantastic idea for that "junk mail". Talk to ya soon.
So pretty!
great idea Steph...how very clever of you! I think Sophie would love this idea. My girls love catalogs too. They make paper dolls out of the people and clothes in the JCPenny books Grandma brings.
You are too kind;) Just go to their websites and you just might wish you hadn't;)
I miss my garden too. I have big plans for rearranging this year(nothing new really, I always am moving this here and that there). I always check the extended forecast in hopes of at least a 40 degree day....no such luck.
Thank you. You probably have beautiful gardens down under. God Bless!!
That is a great idea those girls have with the JCPenny catalog. They are very creative kids:))
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