Saturday, March 04, 2006

A God sent sign of Spring

If you have a hard time seeing from the picture these are the Daffodils that I planted last fall, or maybe the fall before sure where I planted which ones. It doesn't matter though it's green and a sign that God is hearing all of our spring return prayers here in Michigan:)


Anonymous said...

take a picture once they bloom, too!

Ruthie said...

Nothing more lovely or welcome this time of year than seeing those first tiny signs of warmer weather pushing through the soil. I can't wait to see those little ambassadors of Spring blooming!Thanks Steph...just seeing that picture cheers me!

M said...

I love those, that is how you always know spring is coming. In our town, the bradford pear trees are blooming, beautiful.. It was 71 degrees here today!

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky, but hey it was almost 60 degrees here today:) Only wished that it would stay.